Forensic Updates

2021 Forensic Update on Date Rape Drugs (Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault-DFSA) Segmental Hair Shaft Testing
Date rape drugs are those substances that impair a person’s ability to give consent to sexual activity or incapacitate the person so that they may…

Stefan Rose, M.D.: Gastric Reflux – What Is It & How Does It Affect Breath Tests?
Gastric reflux is a simple but often misunderstood term of human medicine. As part of the normal human process of digestion (solids and liquids), the…

Stefan Rose, M.D.: Forensic Whole Blood Ethanol versus Hospital Serum Ethanol Tests
Introduction Ethanol may be measured in a variety of human samples including whole blood, serum, plasma, supernatant, urine, vitreous humor, gastric contents and any other…

Stefan Rose, M.D.: Forensic Blood Alcohol Samples Proper Collection Techniques
Life and liberty may be in jeopardy when they depend on the outcome of blood sample testing. Physicians routinely order peripheral venous blood samples for…

Stefan Rose, M.D.: A Forensic Update on Date Rape Drugs (Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault)
Date rape drugs are those substances that impair a person’s ability to give consent to sexual activity or incapacitate the person so that they may…

Stefan Rose, M.D.: Not all Iodine skin disinfectants are the same! (some contain ethanol)
One of the potential errors that may challenge the reliability of the blood alcohol test is the use of a skin preparation agent that contains…

Stefan Rose, M.D.: Blood Drug Results Do Not Predict Toxicity or Impairment
A common misconception among forensic witnesses is that a blood drug result, by itself, predicts the pharmacologic effect including toxicity and impairment. This misconception is…

Stefan Rose, M.D.: The Forensic Unreliability of Retrograde Extrapolation in Antemortem Cases
Pharmacokinetics is the branch of pharmacology that deals with the concentration of ethanol (or any drug) in the blood (or any other tissue) at any…

Forensic Implications of the Auto-Brewery Syndrome
The Auto-Brewery Syndrome (also known as endogenous ethanol intoxication) is a well-known phenomenon in modern medicine and described in the medical literature since at least…